Archive for July, 2010

Summer Fun: Squirt Guns

3 buckets of water + 3 squirt guns + 3 crazy kids = 1 fun way to cool off when it’s hot outside

Hello, Dinner!

It’s salmon fishing season again, and once again Hubby landed a wild chinook salmon.  This year’s fish was a tad smaller than last year’s, weighing in at almost 18 pounds.  Hubby filleted it and we feasted and stocked our freezer for the future as well.  Yum-O!

Another Hike: Ingalls Creek

Last week we took a hike up Ingalls creek trail.  We’re planning a family backpacking trip later this summer, so I wanted to get the kids out on the trail with packs to see what they can do.  I chose a trail that wasn’t too steep, packed up some lunch and snacks, and we set off.  We brought along the dog, who loves to hike with us.

After hiking for about an hour, we stopped for a snack.

This big rock in the middle of the trail made for a group photo op.  The kids got to rest while Hubby figured out the self-timer on the camera.

Our final destination was this lovely little spot near the creek where we stopped for lunch.  There were some rocks for climbing on and some calm pools for the kids to wade in the cold water.

At the end of the trail, we had one very tired puppy and an exhausted little boy, both of whom slept in the car on the way home.  The girls did great, though, and will definitely be able to carry their weight on our big trip.

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