Archive for November, 2008

Festive Paper Crafts

The kids and I spent some time this morning decorating the house for Christmas.  Okay, I’ll admit that I did the decorating and the kids watched.   

The first project was these colorful paper chains to adorn the dining room windows.  These are made from the covers of magazines and catalogs that were bound for the recycle bin.  I chose the brightly colored pages, cut them into strips and linked them into chains.  I love how the colors from the opposite sides of the pages peek out!  And even though you can get a glimpse of what they used to be (see the blue New York Life ad?) the look now is just bright and cheery!  I’m debating adding a few more chains to each window, or maybe some more in the living room, but we’ll have to see what kinds of catalogs come in the mail this week.  If you have to know, it was a Nordstrom catalog that came addressed to the lady who used to live in this house 4 years ago that started it, it had the greatest red cover with hot pink writing on it I just had to find a way to use it.

Second, I made some paper snowflakes to hang in the family room window.  I also made a big mess of little bits of paper all over the floor.  We haven’t had any snow so far this year, so I guess I felt the need to make some on my own. 

Crochet Hat

Hooray!  I finished my first crochet project!

Actually that may be a little misleading.  I’m not counting anything I started as “practice” or the things that I started and then proceeded to pull out because I made a mistake.  I did try working the slipper pattern I purchased, but I kept getting lost with all the counting.  My friend Wendy encouraged me to just try to eyeball something and helped me get this hat started.  Whaddaya know?  I found eyeballing it much easier than trying to follow a pattern.  So thanks to Wendy, I now have a finished hat.  And by some miracle, it fits my head!

I’ve decided I like to do crochet (even though Hubby declared I look like a grandma when I’m doing it).  It’s quiet and portable.  I can do it while watching TV, riding in the car or waiting for the kids’ gymnastics class to finish.  Next up, a hat for each of the kids…maybe then I’ll tackle that slipper pattern again.

Take a look at my new baby!

Not a real baby…but a new sewing machine is something to celebrate.  I’ve been looking for a new serger that will coverstitch andis within my budget, and I found this one on Craigslist.  I’ve been busy this morning reading the manual, threading and adjusting tensions.  It feels like Christmas came early at my house!

You’re never too old to learn something new.

I’ve been eyeing this slipper patternon Etsy, and decided to finally order it.  It says the level is “easy”, never mind that I have no experience doing crochet.  I got the pattern in my e-mail and realized it may not be the best first project.  But I am undaunted.  Here’s some of my practice, but I’m not showing you all the curly thread I made from the stitches I pulled out because they just wouldn’t look like they were supposed to look.  Maybe in about five years I’ll be proficient enough to tackle the slipper pattern.  I hope.

It’s That Time of Year

We put up the Christmas lights on the house this week.  For those of you who live in somewhat warmer climates, it may seem a bit premature.  But, we have cold, snowy winters here, and if you don’t get your lights up before the snow flies, you may not get another chance until spring.  No one wants to climb up a ladder to hang lights in the ice and snow.  Much to the kids’ dismay, though, we won’t light them until after Thanksgiving.

A Project for Hubby

This hunting season hubby wanted a new digital camo hunting pullover.  After lots of looking, he found the fabric he wanted, Powershield MARPAT DWR gridded fleece.  I bought a pattern from…

Hmm…do you sense something wrong here?  It looks like there’s been a ghostwriter on my blog.  Since E-boy can’t read, E. is not home and A. doesn’t spell so well, the process of elimination points to Hubby.  Yes, the hunting posts are his idea.  I gave him my blessing to post them as long as he posted as himself, but I think he’s a little shy.  Maybe in the future he’ll find his “voice” and join in the bloggy fun.

So Hubby left me to finish his post, and he took E-boy with him so there’s quiet in the house.  Can I tell you how rare it is for me to be in my house all by myself?   Yeah, I can’t remember the last time.  On to the pullover (this is the part that stumped Hubby when he was trying to write it, he said, “I don’t know if it’s flat-felled or double-faced or whatever.”)  I used this green pepper pattern to start with.  Obviously, I eliminated the front zip, and I added length to both the body and the sleeve.  The fleece fabric was actually super-easy to sew with, and it came out looking awesome.  You can see it close-up here.  The outer is a woven nylon and the inside is the gridded fleece.  And if you notice the USMC emblem up-side-down on the shoulder, let me assure you that they really do go both ways on the fabric, even though the only ones that are noticable on the finished pullover are the wrong way.

My Little Hunter!

Hunting seasons now over and hubby didn’t getting anything this year.  A little off of last years record, 30 minutes into the season.  I don’t know if I should be happy or sad that he didn’t get anything.  This year A. wanted to join him, so one evening hubby and A. got dressed up and off they went.  A. had her backpack and leapster with headphones (so not to disturd the deer).  They drove up to a local ridge and then hiked out sitting until it got dark.  A. says they saw lots of sign ie. foot prints and droppings, but no deer.

What a view!

Sometimes I’m A Genius!

And other times I just think I am…  But, I’m sure you’ll agree that this is one of my better moments of genius. 

You probably have deduced based on my previous posts that I am a soup fanatic.  The truth is, although Hubby eats my soup without complaint, the kids just don’t enjoy it.  And having a group of grmblers at the table (namely, the children) is enough to spoil my own enjoyment of the meal.  So, since it’s just me and E-boy at home for lunch these days, I’ve been making soup for my lunch (and letting E-boy eat yogurt or PB&J). 

Today I made Creamy Chicken with Rice (and homemade corn muffins on the side), and it was totally yummy.  Here’s where the genius part comes in…I served the leftovers into these cups and put them in the freezer.  Yes, my friends, I now have single-serving homemade soup just waiting in the freezer for my lunches.  I did this the other day with my homemade chili, and it worked out awesome.  Just take out a cup, remove the lid, and microwave for a couple minutes until it’s hot.  Seriously, what better way to cheer up a dreary day than a nice hot soup lunch?

Dear Blog,

I know I haven’t been posting on you like I should, and I’m sure you feel somewhat neglected.  Please know, I think of you often, and once I get around to downloading some pictures from my camera, I’ll put up a new post or two.  Don’t give up on me.

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