Posts Tagged 'camping'

In Which We Go Camping

I had a little bit of a blog break there…actually a little bit of a break from everything.  The family took a camping trip to the lake.  We did some boating, fishing, hiking, biking and genral relaxing around a campfire. 

Hubby made a friend right when we got to the campground.

We did a little fishing in the creek:

And found a little snake:

Here’s hubby “walking on water” a.k.a. standing on an old pier right under the water that he found while snorkeling.

A. and E. were practicing their casting:

My girl is getting so grown up!

Here’s E. acting goofy when she sees the camera:

And E-boy’s cheesy grin:

And one more, just ’cause he’s cute:

It’s Summertime

And apparently I’ve been to busy to keep up on blogging.  With three kids underfoot all day, it’s no wonder. 

We did manage to get away for a few days camping, but only ended up taking a few pictures because I didn’t know where hubby had stashed the camera.

And for the last few days, we’ve been watching the smoke in the sky to determine exactly how close the wildfires are. 

I took this picture last night from my own front yard:

And here’s one Hubby took:

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